Epoxy Flooring: A Strong and Long-lasting Option for Your Space
When finding a durable, robust, and attractive flooring solution for commercial or industrial spaces, garages, hospitals, or homes in Jacksonville, Florida, epoxy flooring systems should be at your list. Not only do epoxy floors offer strength and longevity, but they also provide easy maintenance and an aesthetic edge over other flooring options.
Comparing the Durability of Epoxy Flooring to Other Options
Pure concrete floors, commonly used in industrial and commercial spaces, can withstand 3,000 to 5,000 psi of load. However, untreated concrete is porous and susceptible to moisture damage, environmental damage, chemical harm, and microbial infestation. In contrast, a well-installed epoxy floor with the appropriate solution can have a flexural strength of over 10,000 psi. Specialized epoxy floors can even handle significantly higher loads. This means that, at its lowest compressive strength, an epoxy floor is at least three times more durable than a regular concrete floor and almost twice as strong as high-grade concrete.
Heavy Impact Resistance
Epoxy floors can withstand not only heavy loads but also substantial impacts. Epoxy floors can handle everything from workers dropping heavy tools on the floor to vibrational impacts from heavy equipment.
Harsh Environment Resistance
Epoxy floors are highly resistant to damage from harsh environmental conditions like high moisture, extreme heat, or extreme cold, making them perfect for manufacturing facilities and warehouses. Depending on the epoxy resin and installation process, some epoxy floors can even function as deep-freezer flooring.
Chemical and Stain Resistance
Epoxy floorings are incredibly resistant to damage from harsh, highly reactive, and caustic chemicals. This resistance to reaction with various chemicals also makes epoxy floors highly resistant to stains.
Typical Lifespan
Epoxy floors can last anywhere from 3 to 5 years in high-traffic areas, while they may last for decades in residential settings, offices, and garages. The expected lifespan of an epoxy floor depends on the following:
The amount of traffic the floor receives
The type of epoxy resin, flooring, and application process
The frequency of maintenance
In conclusion, epoxy floors can withstand most industrial, commercial, or residential abuse. A lot of this is due to the way epoxy floorings are installed. When applied correctly, epoxy floors create a seamless, continuous surface, allowing pressure, weight, or impact evenly distributed across the floor, resulting in exceptional load-bearing capacity. The only factors that can damage epoxy floors are sharp objects or standing weight. However, the pressure and weight needed to cause such damage are equivalent to a steamroller parked in one spot for months.